specifies the name of the authentication domain that contains credentials (USERNAME= and PASSWORD=) that are used to access a data source.
Typically, you specify an AUTHENTICATIONDOMAIN= value when you add a caslib. The associated credentials are then used for any statement that accesses the data source. If you specify an AUTHENTICATIONDOMAIN= value in a statement other than the CASLIB statement, these credentials override any that were set when the caslib was added.
Valid in | CASLIB statement [see Requirement] |
Requirement | If your database or data source requires authentication, you must specify valid credentials to access data. You can provide these credentials by specifying either an AUTHENTICATIONDOMAIN= value or by specifying USERNAME= and PASSWORD= values. |
specifies a logical catalog name. The logical name can be any user-defined name. This name is displayed in the Catalog column for all tables in the results from the CONTENTS statement in PROC CASUTIL.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
Default | Active caslib |
specifies an increase to the width of fixed-byte-width character columns. The number of bytes that are needed for multibyte characters depends on the characters in a string. Although specifying 1.5 is common, sometimes it is an overestimate and sometimes it truncates. For double-byte character sets, set CHARMULTIPLIER=2.0. This value overrides a value of CHARMULTIPLIER= that was set in the CASLIB statement.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
PROC CASUTIL: LOAD statement | |
Default | 1.0 |
Range | 1.0–5.0 |
specifies the encoding that the data source client uses to transmit CHAR and VARCHAR data. Typically, this corresponds to the LANG environment variable.
If you have configured the underlying ODBC driver to use a different encoding than the LANG environment variable, set CLIENT_ENCODING= to the corresponding encoding value.The CLIENT_ENCODING= value is independent of the NLS_LANG environment variable. For encodings other than UTF-8, the data is transcoded into UTF-8 when the data is loaded into CAS.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
Default | UTF-8 |
specifies optional connection options that you pass to the DBMS.
Connection options that you specify in statements other than the CASLIB statement override any connection options that were set when a caslib was added.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
Default | none |
Example | conopts="QueryTimeout=0" |
specifies the name of the database.
When you specify a value for DATABASE=, the table name is qualified with the database name. For example, if you set DATABASE="myDB" and you want to access table Studydata, the table myDB.Studydata is accessed.
Valid in | CASLIB statement [Required] |
PROC CASUTIL: LOAD statement | |
Default | none |
Interaction | If you supply values for SCHEMA= and DATABASE=, the value for SCHEMA= is used to qualify a table name. |
specifies the name of the third-party vendor that supports the Amazon Redshift driver.
By default, the Amazon Redshift data connector uses the SAS version of the DataDirect Amazon Redshift ODBC driver that is included with SAS/ACCESS Interface to Amazon Redshift. This corresponds to the value SAS.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
Default | SAS |
specifies the number of rows per block of data to save to a table in the data source.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
PROC CASUTIL: SAVE statement | |
Default | Calculated automatically based on row size |
specifies the number of CAS worker nodes to use for a multinode load of data into CAS. Setting this option to a value other than 1 enables a data connector to use multiple nodes to load data into CAS. You can specify any value up to the total number of available worker nodes. If the available number of nodes is smaller than the value that you specify, all available nodes are used. Specify a value of 0 to use all available worker nodes.
Valid in | PROC CASUTIL: LOAD statement |
Default | 1 |
specifies the number of CAS worker nodes to use for a multinode save of data from CAS into a data source table. Setting this option to a value other than 1 enables a data connector to use multiple nodes to save data to a data source table. You can specify any value up to the total number of available worker nodes. If the available number of nodes is smaller than the value that you specify, all available nodes are used. Specify a value of 0 to use all available worker nodes.
Valid in | PROC CASUTIL: SAVE statement |
Default | 1 |
specifies the DBMS password for a user. You typically specify USERNAME= and PASSWORD= values (or an AUTHENTICATIONDOMAIN= value) when you add a caslib. These credentials are then used for any statement that accesses the data using that caslib. If you specify a USERNAME= and PASSWORD= value in a statement other than the CASLIB statement, these credentials override any credentials that were specified when the caslib was added.
Valid in | CASLIB statement [see Requirement] |
Aliases | PASS= |
PWD= | |
Default | none |
Requirement | If your database or data source requires authentication, you must specify valid credentials to access data. You can provide these credentials by specifying either USERNAME= and PASSWORD= values or by specifying an AUTHENTICATIONDOMAIN= value. |
specifies the number of rows to fetch per block of data retrieved.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
PROC CASUTIL: LOAD statement | |
Default | Calculated automatically based on row size |
specifies the data source name.
With this option, you can use an Amazon Redshift data source that you have previously configured in an odbc.ini file.
Valid in | CASLIB statement [Required] |
Default | none |
Requirement | Set the ODBCSYSINI or ODBCINI environment variable. If the ODBCSYSINI environment variable is set, it must point to the full path of the directory that contains the configured odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files. If ODBCSYSINI is not set, set the ODBCINI environment variable to the full path of the directory that contains the configured odbc.ini file. |
specifies the schema name to use for the connection to the database or data source.
When you specify a value for SCHEMA=, the table name is qualified with the schema name. For example, if you set SCHEMA="mySchema" and you want to access table Studydata, the table mySchema.Studydata is accessed. Specify a non-blank value when you set a value for SCHEMA=.If you specify a value for SCHEMA= in a statement other than the CASLIB statement, this value overrides any value of SCHEMA= that was set when the caslib was added.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
Default | none |
Interaction | If you specify values for SCHEMA= and DATABASE=, the value for SCHEMA= is used to qualify the table name. |
specifies the server identifier for the DBMS server.
Valid in | CASLIB statement [Required] |
Default | none |
specifies that the data source is an Amazon Redshift database.
Valid in | CASLIB statement [Required] |
Default | none |
when set to TRUE, specifies to use narrow character types, such as CHAR or VARCHAR, for all character variables when writing data to the data source. When set to FALSE, this option specifies to use wide character types, such as NCHAR or NVARCHAR, for all character variables when writing data to the data source.
Because the CAS server uses UTF-8 encoding by default, this option defaults to FALSE.
Valid in | CASLIB statement |
PROC CASUTIL: SAVE statement | |
Default | FALSE |
specifies the database or data source user name.
Typically, you specify USERNAME= and PASSWORD= values (or an AUTHENTICATIONDOMAIN= value) when you add a caslib. These credentials are then used for any statement that accesses the data using that caslib. If you specify USERNAME= and PASSWORD= values in a statement other than the CASLIB statement, these credentials override any credentials that were specified when the caslib was added.
Valid in | CASLIB statement [see Requirement] |
Aliases | UID= |
USER= | |
Default | none |
Requirement | If it is required by your database or data source, you must specify valid credentials to access data. You can provide these credentials by specifying either USERNAME= and PASSWORD= values or by specifying an AUTHENTICATIONDOMAIN= value. |
Example 1: Add an Amazon Redshift Database as a Data Source For SAS Cloud Analytic Services
Use the CASLIB statement to establish a connection between your Amazon Redshift source data and a caslib, RScaslib. All of the options supplied in this example are required in the CASLIB statement, except the PASSWORD= option.In this example, the Amazon Redshift data is stored at the location designated by the SERVER= and DATABASE= options.
caslib RScaslib desc='Amazon Redshift Caslib' dataSource=(srctype='redshift', server='RSserver' username='user1', password='myPwd', database='rsdatabase');
Example 2: Load Amazon Redshift Data into SAS Cloud Analytic Services Using PROC CASUTIL
proc casutil; list files incaslib="RScaslib"; 1 load casdata="myRSdata" incaslib="RScaslib" outcaslib="casuser" casout="class_from_RScaslib"; 2 list files incaslib="casuser"; 3 contents casdata="%upcase(class_from_RScaslib)" incaslib="casuser"; 4 quit;
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