There are two main pieces to the Reports:
- Dashboards – Each dashboard you have is an independent set of filters and panels
- Panels – Each panel is a chart or data visualization that has a defined use.
Dashboards provide the structure for your reports in EASE. You can create as many dashboards as you want, and each one is independent.
Location Filter
Use the location bar to select the locations for all panels in the dashboard. Based on dashboards, you can see the reports for the whole plant, each specific location, or a couple of locations.
Allow seeing reports on a full scale.
Change the name and description. The name shows on the tab and below the location bar of the dashboard. It indicates the location and audit type of the dashboard.
Create a copy of this dashboard for yourself. It will be added as a new dashboard tab.
This allows you to create a copy of this dashboard for another person to view. The copy that the person can view does not update when you update your dashboard. If the other person updates the dashboard, your original dashboard is not updated. It is similar to making a copy of a file and sending it to someone else - after the copy is complete, changes in one do not show up on the other copy.
Each person receiving a copy receives an email and a link to their new dashboard. It will show up as a new dashboard tab, and they can make any changes to it.
This list of people is anyone that overlaps your scope. When you share a dashboard, the scope of the dashboard copy may be altered based on the scope of the other person and the scope of the dashboard. The scope of your dashboard is not adjusted.
- The scope of the other person is bigger than the dashboard scope – no changes to the scope of the dashboard.
- The scope of the other person has partial overlap with the dashboard scope – the scope of the dashboard for the other person is adjusted to include the overlapping locations in the scopes only.
- The scope of the other person is less than the dashboard scope – the scope of the dashboard for the other person is set to their scope.
- The scope of the other person is the same as the dashboard scope – no changes to the scope of the dashboard.
Public Share Link
This copies a link to the dashboard in a read-only view that does not require a login. This is great for sharing dashboards with anyone that doesn't have an EASE account or for use on a shop floor TV. The dashboard viewed with this link is updated with the latest data.
This removes the dashboard from your dashboard tabs, and you will no longer be able to access it.
View the description you added when editing the dashboard.
Time Period and Interval
Time Period
We have relative time periods (today, yesterday, last x days...) that will help keep the date range for this dashboard current without further modification. If you would like to see the actual dates, you can choose the Other and then enter the dates you need. While the Other time period is selected, the dashboard will only show data for the dates chosen.
For charts with a time axis, this determines if the data is grouped weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Filters selected here apply to all panels on this dashboard. Make sure you click apply for the changes to take effect.
Audit Category
You can select many categories to aggregate audit data. These categories are the same as categories in the Question Library, Documents, and Assign pages. You can select specific categories or a couple of categories at the same time to check the reports.
Shows all shifts in your site(s).
Shows all departments in your site(s).
Shows all active layers active in your site(s).
Note: Filtering by one of these layers is site-specific. If several sites share a layer, you will need to select each layer individually.
Audit Documents
Show all active documents active in your site.
Note: filtering by document helps to get audit results based on a document selected, you can select many documents at the same time to check reports.
Panels provide the content and data for your reports in EASE. You can add as many panels as you would like to a dashboard, modify them, and can even add the same panel more than once. Unless otherwise noted, the panel uses all filters from the dashboard.
For individual panel descriptions and explanations, please see the description in the panel.
Add Panel
Click the floating button in the bottom right corner to add a panel to your dashboard. Check off the panels you would like to add, make any adjustments to the options (you can always edit these later, too), and click ADD PANEL for the panels to be added at the bottom of your dashboard. You can select a specific chart type for the panels, and you can modify those later.
The panels are grouped based on the similarity of the report types, and by clicking a dropdown sign, you can see specific panels related to each one.,
Rearrange and resize panels
You can click and drag a panel title to move it to another spot on your dashboard. You can click and drag the edge of a panel to resize it.
- All panels are interactive and can be drilled into by clicking on the graphs.
- To view the individual audits that make up the graph, click on the chart data.
You can click on any data point in a panel to drill into more information. You can click on any legend item to toggle that series on/off.
You can download a picture of the panel or a csv of the data. The csv does not contain detailed data, only the summary data needed to create the chart.
Panel Options
Each panel has at least 1 option that you can configure. These are general descriptions of what the options change in the panel.
Chart Type
These are different visualizations and, in some cases, can drastically change how the chart is interpreted. For example, choosing a gauge type shows data for an entire date range rather than separated into time intervals.,
Goal Line
This adds a dashed horizontal line to the chart at the value configured. It can help you quickly see how you are performing against an established target.
How many data points for the chart do you want to see?
Data Labels
Show the numbers associated with the chart. We recommend leaving this off for panels with high data density.
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