This article is complied of video tutorials aligned with the topics covered in Workshop 1 - Base Set Up of the EASE Implementation process. This workshop covers the Organization section of Ease, which includes the Org Tree, Departments, Shifts, Layers, Scopes, and Teams.
Use the Table of Contents to navigate to a specific topic.
Org Tree
Click here to access the written article on the Org Tree.
The Org Tree is used to define where assessments are conducted and which locations are represented in reports.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
How to Add, Edit, and Delete Locations
New locations on the Org Tree will be added directly under the selected location tier. Edit locations by changing their name and description. Locations can also be removed from the Org Tree.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
How to Import Locations
Multiple locations can be added to the Org Tree at the same time by using Ease's Excel template. Download the template and then input location names and descriptions into the excel spreadsheet. Once uploaded, new locations will appear directly under the location tier previously selected for import.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
Calendar Events
If a location is temporarily unavailable for scheduling, assign time off for this location by accessing the location's calendar in the Org Tree.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
Click here to access the written article on Departments.
Departments are used to group users for scheduling and reporting. Each department should consist of specific operational units that exist within the site or organization.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
How to Add, Edit and Delete Departments
Departments can be created and edited, but users can only be added/removed from a department by configuring the user's details. Departments can only be deleted once all users within it have been removed.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
Click here to access the written article on Shifts.
When different schedules are needed, shifts can be created and assigned to users so that assessments are not assigned on non-working days. For each shift, hours are not taken into consideration. A shift only covers the days available to perform assessments.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
How to Add, Edit, and Delete Shifts
When creating a new shifts, determine the shift's cycle start date, number of days in the cycle, and working days. Users can be added/removed from a shift by configuring the user's details. Shifts can only be deleted once all users have been removed from the shift.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
Click here to access the written article on Layers.
Layers are used in LPAs (Layered Process Assessments). They dictate the frequency of assessments assigned to users.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
How to Add, Edit, and Delete Layers
New layers can be created by determining the layer's repeat frequency, start window, grace period, and maximum. Users can be added/removed from a layer by configuring the user's details. Layers can be deleted once all users have been removed from the layer and the layer is not in use by other sites in the organization.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
Click here to access the written article on Users.
Users can range from individuals that conduct assessments, close findings, review reports, or manage the system.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
How to Add, Edit, Delete, and Disable Users
New users can be created once their user information has been inputted and their system and additional roles have been selected. Multiple users can be edited at the same time by using the bulk edit option. Users can also be permanently deleted or temporarily disabled.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
How to Upload Users
Multiple users can be uploaded into EASE simultaneously by using the provided Excel template.
Click here to access the original video tutorial. Additionally, click here to access the written article on Uploading Users referenced in the video tutorial.
Click here to access the written article on Scopes.
How to Create Custom Scopes
Scopes refer to locations on the Org Tree that dictate where functions can be performed. By default, a scope is added for each location, but custom scopes can be created that only apply to certain areas in the organization.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
Click here to access the written article on Teams.
Teams refers to groups of users assigned to specific urgency levels within an assessment program's settings. They receive notifications when findings are created within their assigned urgency level.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
How to Add, Edit, and Delete Teams
Team members can be added to a team when creating a new team or after the team has been created. Users can also be added to or removed from a team from by configuring the user's details.
Click here to access the original video tutorial.
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