In EASE, the Reports dashboard displays real time results on all data collected within EASE. The dashboard provides the structure for reporting in EASE. Multiple dashboards can be created, and each one is independent.
A dashboard consists of panels that graphically visualize particular datasets.
The Reports Dashboard can be accessed by navigating to the Reports section of EASE and selecting the Reports tab at the top of the page.
A: Click on the + sign to add a new, independent dashboard.
B: Select all applicable locations for the panels within the dashboard.
Search for or select the specific location(s) desired and click Apply on the bottom right of the menu.
C: View the Reports tab in full-screen mode.
D: Select the three dots to access more actions for this dashboard.
- Change this dashboard's name and description.
- Create a copy of this dashboard. It will be added as a new dashboard tab.
- Allow another person to view a copy of this dashboard. If the other person edits this copy, the original copy will not be updated.
Select a name(s) from the list provided. Only those that overlap with the original dashboard's scope will be displayed. When sharing a dashboard, the scope of the dashboard copy could be altered based on the scope of the recipient.
- The scope of the other person is bigger than the dashboard scope – no changes to the scope of the dashboard.
- The scope of the other person has partial overlap with the dashboard scope – the scope of the dashboard for the other person is adjusted to include the overlapping locations in the scopes only.
- The scope of the other person is less than the dashboard scope – the scope of the dashboard for the other person is set to their scope.
- The scope of the other person is the same as the dashboard scope – no changes to the scope of the dashboard.
The public share link copies a link to the dashboard in a read-only view that does not require a log in. The dashboard viewed with this link is updated with the latest data.
4. Remove this dashboard.
5. View the description of this dashboard.
6. Clear all panels from this dashboard.
E: Removes any and all active filters in this dashboard.
F: View or remove each individual filter applied to this dashboard.
G: Select a time range for all data shown in this dashboard.
H: For panels with a time axis, the interval determines if the data is grouped weekly, monthly, or yearly.
I: Allows for the selection of any Assessment, Action Plan, or Custom Field filters to be applied to the dashboard.
Once all desired filters have been selected, click Apply to activate these filters in the dashboard.
J: Refresh this dashboard to account for any recently updated data.
K: All panels are interactive based on the data they display. Data can be drilled into or reconfigured by clicking or hovering over the data points or graphs. Each panel can be also be rearranged or resized. To move a panel hover near the top of the panel until you see a four-way arrow. Then you can drag-and-drop the panel anywhere in the dashboard. To resize hover over the edges of the panel then drag the panel edge to move it.
L: Export this panel as a PNG image or a CSV file.
M: Edit this panel's details. Each panel has different alterable properties depending on the data shown.
- Panel Name: Change the title of this panel.
- Chart Type: Choose between multiple types of visualization charts for this panel.
- Goal Line: This adds a horizontal line to the chart as a specific value. This helps gauge performance against a single target.
- Limit: Restrict the amount of data points to be visible on a panel.
- Data Labels: Show the numbers associated with the chart. Better suited to panels with a low data density.
N: Add a new panel(s) to this dashboard.
To add a new panel click on the + at the bottom right of the screen. Search for a specific panel by name or find it from the dropdown menus below the search bar. The panels are grouped by similarity of the report types; each dropdown menu has related panels. Multiple panels can be added at the same time. Check the box(es) of all desired panels you would like to add.
After finding the desired panel(s), click on it to configure its details. This can also be done after adding it into the dashboard, as discussed in Section M of this article.
Once all adjustments have been made, click Add Panel to add the panel to the bottom of the dashboard.
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