Scheduling on EASE has been redesigned to streamline scheduling by allowing you to plan and preview assigned work activities, ensuring works gets done on time.
To use this new scheduling capability, navigate to the Schedule and click on the blue action button near the bottom right of the window, then select the Schedule option.
In the next menu, configure this new schedule. First start with selecting the Program, as this will determine the options available.
- Select the Program to be scheduled from the dropdown menu provided.
- Select how often this schedule will repeat. Schedules can be set to not repeat (Never) or set to repeat over a certain amount of Days (Daily), Weeks (Weekly), Months (Monthly), or Years (Yearly). For LPAs, schedules can also be repeated by layer (By Layer). When By Layer is selected, the scheduling tool will refer to the settings configured for each layer. For more information on Layers, click here.
- Determine the repeat frequency of this schedule based on the option chosen for Repeat. If you want a schedule to repeat bi-weekly, select Weekly and then set it to repeat every 2 weeks. For a quarterly schedule, select Monthly and then set it to repeat every 3 months.
- Determine what day this schedule will start on by using the calendar provided.
- Decide if this schedule will end on a certain date or after a set amount of repetitions. Toggle between options by clicking on the circle icon.
- Determine the number of days prior to the due data an assessor can begin an assessment.
- Determine the number of days after the due date that an assessor can complete an assessment. An assessment completed during the Grace Period will be reported as late (Past Due).
- Check the box to next to Schedule by Shift to have EASE randomly schedule assessment for each shift associated the selected document locations. Assessments will be scheduled equally across all shifts, ensuring all shifts have the same coverage.
When finished, click on + Add Document(s).
Documents shown in the next list view are based on the Program previously selected. Each document's Scheduling Maximums are also shown by layer.
Check the boxes next to the documents to be added.
Underneath the selected documents, EASE will default to a random selection of appropriate locations based on the chosen organization tier (Site, Area, Workcenter, Station). Alternatively, uncheck the box and select a specific location from the Org Tree using the dropdown menu under Location.
Click Apply to add these documents to the schedule.
Once documents have been added, assessors can be selected for this schedule by clicking on + Add Auditor(s).
The list of assessors shown can be sorted and filtered by column. Check the boxes next to the desired users and click Apply.
Before submitting this schedule, you can now preview the schedule beforehand. Click on Preview to view the schedule's information, calendar, and data.
The Calendar Preview displays which days have assessments scheduled. Click on a date from the calendar to see which events are scheduled for that day.
Underneath Calendar Preview, data metrics and visualizations on this proposed schedule are displayed, including how many assessments have been scheduled and total assessments by document, locations, layer, and shift.
The data in these panels can be drilled into by hovering over the data points within them. Reconfigure each data visualization's settings and parameters by using the options near the top right of each panel.
If a change to this schedule is required, click Back near the bottom right of the window and change any of the schedule's details and settings before previewing it again.
If satisfied with this schedule, click Submit near the bottom right of the window to create this new schedule.
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