To create a question in the Question Library, navigate to Library Question Library.
This view lists all questions that exist within the organization. To add a question, select the + button on the bottom right of the screen.
The next menu prompts the creation of the assessment question and its response.
The Program, Question and Title must be filled out in order for this question to be created, the other fields can be left blank if desired.
A - Program: Determines which type of assessment this question will pertain to.
B - Question: The actual question used in this assessment.
C - Title: A shortened title for this question. If left blank, an automated title will be created using key words from the question above.
D - Reason for question: Why is this question being asked?
E - Failure reaction Plan: The immediate response that should be taken if this question fails. This will only appear if the question is failed.
F - Attachments: Add files that user can reference while answering this question.
G - Tags: Adding tags to a question helps sort and categorize questions within the question library.
H - Location scope: This determines the location that this question can be asked.
I - Response Type: EASE has multiple response types available depending on the Program: Pass/Fail, Free Form, Score, Multiple Choice, Multiple Select, Number, Date and Time, and Signature. The response type chosen will determine the structure of the response.
- Pass/Fail: This question can only be passed or failed. Change the custom labels for Pass and Fail to whatever best suits the question (Good/Bad, Hot/Cold, etc.).
- Score: A scored response type allows the assessor to choose this question's answer within a predetermined range. The Score field determines the highest score allowed for this question. This creates a range between 0 and this chosen number. If selected, Minimum Passing Score determines if this question can be passed or failed, and the minimum score needed for this question to pass.
- Multiple Choice: This response type allows assessors to choose a single response from a group. Under User Defined Group, select the group from which assessors can choose from. Restrict to allows users to limit the number of selections the assessor has available.
- *Note: Currently, selecting any item from a multiple choice question flags the question as failed for the purpose of findings. Be careful when setting findings options in conjunction with the required setting.
- Multiple Select: This response type allows assessors select multiple responses from a group. Under User Defined Group, select the group from which assessors can choose from. Restrict to allows users to limit the number of selections the assessor has available.
- *Note: Currently, selecting any item from a multiple choice question flags the question as failed for the purpose of findings. Be careful when setting finding options in conjunction with the required setting.
- Free Form: This response type allows assessor to input whatever they choose up to 1000 characters into the response section when conducting an assessment.
- Number: This response type allows the assessor to input a numerical value within an acceptable range. The Valid Range determines the highest and lowest acceptable values for the question. In Pass Range, choose the acceptable response range in order for this question to pass (Between, Not Between, Less Than or Equal to, Greater Than or Equal to).
- Date and Time: This response type prompts the assessor to mark the date and time when answering this question. The date is required, but the time can be optional or turned off completely.
- Signature: This response type prompts the assessor to sign their name when answering this question. The name field is required, but the signature can be optional or turned off completely.
Response types can also contain the following fields:
J - Photos: Does an image need to be attached to this question when responding? Options include: Optional/Required/Required on Fail.
K - Comments: Does the assessor need to input their comments for this question's response? Options include: Optional/Required/Required on Fail. Leaving this field blank defaults to Optional.
L - Response Required: Is a response to this question needed to complete the assessment?
M - Allow N/A Response: Is the assessor allowed to input N/A as a response to this question?
N - Critical: If a question is critical, failing this question will mark the entire assessment as failed. When this option is toggled off, the assessment can still be marked as a pass if this question fails.
O - Findings: Is a finding, or non-conformance, created if this question fails? Options include: Optional/Required/Required on Fail.
P - Alternate Responsible Party: If a finding is created, this question's responsible party will be notified and asked to close the finding.
Q - Finding Requires Attachment: If this question fails, does the responsible party need to include an attachment to close the finding?
Once you have filled out all mandatory fields, click Save on the bottom right of the menu. This question now exists within your Question Library.
EASE offers an expedited and efficient method to creating questions. Instead of manually creating each individual question, you can use EASE's excel template to upload multiple questions at once. More on that can be read here.
New questions can also be created from within a document. Simply navigate to Library Documents and select an existing document from the list. In the document, click on Revise at the bottom right of the screen, and the + Add Question option will be located at the top of the list of questions under the Questions tab.
This menu differs from the earlier one, but contains all of the same fields. However, because this question will be placed into an already existing document with a set program, this question's program cannot be changed.
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