Assessment Emails
Action or Event | Email Subject | Email Recipient | Frequency | Included in Digest Emails (If the digest is enabled) | Available as a mobile notification |
The Assessment is Due Today | Your Assessment is due today | Assessor | Once | Yes | Yes |
Assessments are due on the same day they are scheduled | Your Assessment is due today | Assessor | Once | No | Yes |
Assessment due in x days (start window) | Your Assessment is due in X days | Assessor | Once | Yes | Yes |
Assessment due in x days (start window) scheduled after digest is sent out | Your Assessment is due in X days | Assessor | Once | No | Yes |
The Assessment is Past Due | The Assessment is past due |
Assessor and Manager+ *Look up the org tree until a Location Shift Manager is found for a location |
Once every day until an assessment is complete or missed | Yes | Yes |
Assessment is Missed | The Assessment has been missed | Manager+ *Look up the org tree until a Location Shift Manager is found for a location |
Once | Yes | No |
Assessor *Site Setting "Missed Assessment Email Notifications to Assessor" must be turned on under "Assessment Delete Request" |
Once | Yes |
+ You will need to enable this on the Site Settings page
Findings Emails
Action or Event | Email Subject | Email Recipient | Frequency | Included in Digest Emails (If the digest is enabled) | Available as a mobile notification |
Finding Opened | Finding Alert |
Responsible Party | Once | No | Yes |
The finding is not yet closed, and today is the due date (not opened today) | Finding Due Today | Responsible Party | Once at the beginning of the day | Yes | No |
Finding status is changed to Open - Past Due or Pending - Past Due | Finding is now past due | Responsible Party |
Everyday to the responsible party Until Finding is closed or 14 days after past due, then no more emails will be sent | Yes | No |
Additional manager* | Everyday to another manager for 21 days after past due, then no more emails will be sent | Yes | No | ||
The finding is submitted for approval | Finding is pending for your approval | Approving Party | Once | No | Yes |
Finding is rejected | Finding Rejected | Responsible Party | Once | No | Yes |
Finding is closed | Finding closure | The user that opened the Finding | Once | No | Yes |
Finding is Re-assigned | Finding Alert | Responsible Party | No | Yes |
*if the Additional Manager is the same as the Responsible Party, we send this email to the Responsible Party
Action Plan Emails
Action or Event | Email Subject | Email Recipient | Frequency | Included in Digest Emails (If the digest is enabled) | Available as a mobile notification |
Event Initiated | Action Plan Status |
AP Owner(s) AP Approver(s) |
Note: Only one email is sent to the AP owner if he is the only owner or the first event owner and auto-assigned to all tasks | No | Yes |
Event due today | Action Plan Action Status |
AP Owner(s) AP Approver(s) |
Once | Yes | Yes |
Event past due | Action Plan Action Status |
AP Owner(s), AP Approver(s) |
Once | Yes | No |
AP is assigned to an owner | Action Plan assigned to you | AP Owner(s) | Once | No | Yes |
AP is assigned to an approver | Action Plan assigned to you | AP Approver(s) | Once | No | Yes |
The event closed/approved | Action Plan Status | AP Owner(s) | Once | No | No |
Event Rejected | Action Plan Status | AP Owner(s) | Once | No | No |
Event pending approval | Action Plan Status | AP Approver(s) | Once | No | Yes |
Task due today | Action Plan Task Status | Task Owner(s) | Once | Yes | Yes |
Task past due | Action Plan Task Status | AP Owner(s) | Once | Yes | No |
Task pending approval | Action Plan Task Status | Task Approver(s) | Once | No | Yes |
Task approved and closed | Action Plan Task Status | Task Owner(s) | Once | No | No |
Task rejected | Action Plan Task Status | Task Owner(s) | Once | No | No |
Task re-opened | Action Plan Task Status | Task Owner(s) and Task Approver(s) | Once | No | No |
Task closed (no approval required) | Action Plan Task Status | AP Owner(s) | Once | No | No |
Notify first open earliest due date task's owner | Action Plan Task Status | Task Owner(s) | Once | No | No |
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