In EASE, locations on the Org Tree have machine-scannable QR codes that can be used for impromptu Ad hoc findings on the EASE Mobile App. Using QR codes enables faster responses to issues on the plant floor by anyone that observes them.
To access these QR codes, navigate to Organization > Org Tree, then locate any accessible location within the Org Tree.
Accessible locations can be identified by the four options available on the right side of the screen.
QR codes are accessed by clicking on QR code icon.
In this menu, adding a description for this QR code is optional. To view the QR code, select Preview.
EASE will provide a PDF preview of the QR code, detailing the program, site, and location. By selecting Download PDF this document, including the QR code, will be downloaded into your computer library.
For practical use, these QR codes can now be printed and posted at their actual locations on site. Users can conveniently use their smartphone cameras to scan the QR code and start an Ad hoc finding at specific locations in the EASE mobile app.
To start this process, open the smartphone's camera and aims towards the QR code, like so:
By clicking on the link provided, you will automatically be taken to the EASE mobile app, where an Ad hoc finding at the QR code's initial location will be prompted for completion. Login credentials will need to be inputted if necessary.
Next, fill out the rest of the Ad hoc finding. For more information on how to report a finding in the EASE mobile app, click here.
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