EASE's calendar displays scheduled assessments, time off, and site holidays. Users can utilize the calendar to view their scheduled assessments and vacation time.
To access the calendar, navigate to the Home page and select the My Calendar tab.
A: The viewable calendar displays all scheduled events for the current month. The number encircled in red indicates the amount of events scheduled for the day.
The blue and orange dots signify the type of event scheduled. Blue dots relate to scheduled assessments and orange dots relate to scheduled time off.
B: Users with the Site Admin role can input their own scheduled time off by selecting the + button.
Event: Describe the reason for the scheduled time off, e.g., Holiday, PTO, etc.
Start: From the calendar provided, select the start date for the scheduled time off.
Finish: From the calendar provided, select the end date for the scheduled time off.
Once these fields have been completed, the Add button will be prompted for selection.
For Site Admins looking to add scheduled time off for specific users, navigate to Organization > Users, and select a user. Each user has their own calendar tab which can be altered using the same methods mentioned earlier.
More information about user roles and scheduling can be found here.
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