The My Assessments tab lists a user's previous and upcoming audits within a 90 day range.
On the Home page, select the My Assessments tab. The menu shown below showcases all audits specific to the user.
A: Use keywords to search for specific assessments. These keywords must relate to an assessment's name, document, or ID.
B: Filter for audits by locations.
Select the specific location(s) desired and click Apply on the bottom right of the menu.
C: Refresh the list with any recent updates
D: Choose which column filters are shown, and rearrange their order.
This table displays all applicable column filters. Select the desired columns. To rearrange their order, click on the two lines next to the filter's name and drag and drop to the desired location in the order.
E: Click on the column name to rearrange the ordering of assessments. Select the name and the assessments will be ordered by value, date, number, depending on the column name parameters.
F: Use the upside-down triangle next to a column name to select eligible values for that filter to be sorted from.
For example, when the Status filter is selected:
G: Alter the number of assessments records shown per page (15, 25, 50, 100).
H: Select the + button to request to delete missed or upcoming assessments.
When requesting to delete missed assessments, select Missed assessments. Alternatively, select Upcoming assessments when requesting to delete upcoming assessments.
Once selected, a new menu will appear displaying all missed or upcoming assessments, depending on the option chosen previously.
Use the boxes next to the assessment's ID to select which assessments will be requested to be deleted. Once the assessment(s) has been chosen, click Request to Delete on the bottom right of the page.
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