To access a document's settings, navigate to Library > Documents, and select a document from the Document Library. Within this document, navigate to the Settings tab near the top of the menu.
This menu displays all alterable settings for a given document.
In the first section of this page, the document's Details are shown.
1 - The current status of this document within the system.
2 - This number totals the amount of changes and edits made to this document.
3 - The date this document was last modified.
4 - A document is published once Submit is selected. Deselecting Publish Document will hide this document from the available documents to be assessed or scheduled.
5 - Delete the document from the Document Library.
6 - The title of this document.
7 - This document's scope, or where this document is applicable as an assessment within the Org Tree. To change the scope, select this option and a new menu will appear that displays the site's Org Tree. Choose the desired locations and select Save.
8 - The tiers (Site, Area, Workcenter, etc) of the Org tree of which this document is applicable. To change this document's organization tiers, select this option and in the new menu provided, choose all desired organization tiers and click Save.
9 - The responsible party assigned to this document's findings. If enabled, select a user to become the Responsible Party for this document and any subsequent findings from this document (only if the failed question's Alternate Responsible Party has been set to 'None')
Scroll down the page to access the Settings section of this page. Use the toggle to enable each of these settings.
10 - When an assessment question fails, the assessor must add comments.
11 - The assessor can associate the assessment to specific Operators (users with the 'Operator' role enabled in their user profile). More information on the Operator role can be found here.
12 - The list of eligible Operators will be restricted to the site of the assessment.
13 - Assessors can change the location of their assessment before starting an assessment.
14 - Assessors can change the associated shift before starting an assessment.
15 - Whenever the assessor encounters a failed question that requires a finding and if an Urgency level with additional approval is selected, the finding approver will default to the assessor.
16 - When this document is used in an ad hoc (unscheduled) assessment, the assessor can select the due date of the assessment.
Scroll down further to access the document's Scheduling Maximum.
The Scheduling Maximum controls how often this assessment document can be executed per a specified time frame.
For LPA documents, all enabled Layers will be visible in this list. For Non-LPA documents, there will only be one scheduling maximum that will be applied based on the repeat frequency set when scheduling this document.
The amount of assessments per day/week/month determines how often this assessment document can be scheduled per the repeat frequency for each layer.
To edit these settings, click on one of the layers.
The description under the layer's name details the original scheduling frequency for this layer. More information about Layers can be found here.
Input a numerical value into the Scheduling Maximum that determines how many times this assessment document can be scheduled per the layer frequency (i.e. day, week, month). Use the toggle to enable the selected layer for this document.
To remove the scheduling maximum, leave the 'Scheduling Maximum text box blank. This means there is no limit to the amount of assessments that can done using this document.
If any changes have been made to this document, the Save option at the bottom of the screen will be enabled to save all changes made to this document. To delete all recent changes to this document, select Cancel.
To return to this document's original settings, select Restore Default Settings.
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