Each document has a Revisions tab where users can view all revisions made to an assessment document.
To access a document's revisions, navigate to Library > Documents and select a document from the Document Library. Within the document, select the Revisions tab from the upper menu.
A: Revision - Numbers each individual revision made to the document.
B: Publish Date - Displays the exact date and time a specific revision was made to the document.
C: Published By - The name of the user who revised the document.
D: Has Approvals - Has this revised version of the assessment document been approved? Approved revisions will have a View option that allows users to view the approval details.
When selected, users can view the approver's name, approval date, document status, and approver comments if available.
For more information about document approvers, click here.
E: Select a revision to view a previous version of the document.
This revision's number is visible at the top right of the page. Click on Revert to change this document back to this previous version.
*Note: Documents can only be reverted in draft mode.
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