Layers are used in LPAs. They dictate the frequency of assessments assigned to users. In EASE, layers are assigned to users for scheduling and reporting purposes.
To access the organization's layers, navigate to Organization and select the Layers tab from the top of the page.
A: Use keywords to search for specific layers within the organization.
B: Create a new layer.
- Choose this layer's site.
- Create the layer's name.
- Describe this layer (optional).
- How often the scheduling for this layer will repeat. Choose between the following options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly. If Weekly is chosen, select the number of weeks (e.g. every 2 weeks) and select the day of the week that the assessment will be due (e.g. Friday).
- Set the start window for this layer - the number input in this field will dictate how far in advance of the due date, assigned assessment can be started and the notifications will be sent out.
- This number is non-inclusive of the due date, thus a 4 entered for a weekly assessment due on Friday, would give a total of 5 days to complete an assessment.
- Set the Grace Period for this layer - the number input in this field will dictate how many days after the due date an assessment can be completed. Calendar days are calculated and taken into consideration. *Note: If grace period is not displayed, it needs to be activated by navigating to Settings > Products & Features > General > Grace Period.
- The maximum number of assessments users in this layer can be assigned per selected frequency (i.e. day/week/month)
Users can only be added into a layer, or deleted from a layer, through the Users tab. More information on Users here.
C: Click on the layer's name to view or edit its details
Click on the three dots to edit, disable, or delete this layer.
A: Edit the layer's name and description, along with its scheduling, start window, grace period, and maximum.
B: Layers that are disabled will be inactive.
C: Delete this layer. Layers in use by other sites within the organization cannot be manually deleted. Also, layers with users cannot be deleted manually. To delete a layer all users would need to be deleted from that layer.
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