In Organization, it is now possible to create Teams of users. Teams can be assigned to specific urgency levels within Program Settings to receive notifications when findings are created with those urgency levels. Using Teams enables high-priority findings to be escalated to the appropriate people in an organization at the time the findings are identified.
Creating a Team
To create a Team, navigate to Organization > Teams. Here, all previously created Teams will be listed.
Click on the blue + button near the bottom right of the screen to create a new Team.
- Create a unique, previously unused Team name (required).
- Add a description for this Team (optional).
- Add users to this Team (optional). Team members can also be added after creating a Team. To add users, click on + ADD TEAM MEMBER(S) and select user(s) from the list provided by checking the box next to their name(s).
- Click on the trash bin to remove all users previously selected for this Team.
- Click on the grey X to remove this user from the Team.
- Within a Team, users can have different Team roles. Users can either be a Team Member or Team Leader (Team Leaders are displayed first in the list of users within a Team).
When this Team's name and members have been configured, click Submit to create this Team.
This new Team will now appear within the list of created Teams in the Teams tab. To edit or delete a Team, click on the Team from the list and then select the three dots at the top right of the screen.
Assigning Teams to Urgency Levels
Teams can be configured for specific urgency levels by navigating to the Program Settings tab under Settings.
Select a Program, then click on an urgency level.
In the urgency level's settings, click on Escalations.
Use the toggle button to enable Escalations, which notifies users when assessment questions fail based on their urgency level. If team(s) have already been assigned to this urgency level, they will be listed under Notified Team(s).
Once Escalations has been enabled, Teams can be added to this urgency level by clicking + ADD TEAM(S).
In the next menu, all available teams will be listed for selection. Specific teams can also be searched for by name. Check the box next to a Team's name and click Apply to add team(s) to this urgency level.
The Team(s) will now be visible under Notified Team(s). Teams can be removed by clicking on the grey X next to the team's name.
Accessing Teams from a User's Profile
It is now possible to view all teams a user belongs to and assign users to teams directly from their profile.
Navigate to Organization > Users and click on a User.
In the chosen User's profile, the Teams this user is currently a member of are listed under User Details.
- Add this user to a team of which they currently aren't a member of.
- Click on the trash bin to remove this user from that Team.
Click Save at the bottom right of the screen to apple these changes.
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