Users can range from individuals that conduct assessments, close findings, review reports, or manage the system.
To access all existing Users, navigate to Organization and select the Users tab from the top of the page.
A: Use keywords that relate to the name or email to search for Users.
B: Upload users into EASE. Use the template provided to upload multiple users at once. More information on uploading users can be found here.
C: Export this list of users into a CSV or XLSX file.
D: Choose and rearrange the column filters.
This table displays all applicable columns. Select all desired columns. To rearrange their order, click on the two lines next to the filter's name and drag and drop to the desired location in the order.
E: Apply the same edit across multiple users at once. Check the box next to all users to be edited. Once multiple users have been selected, the Bulk Edit button will be prompted at the top right of the page.
Select the Bulk Edit button to alter the chosen users' details and roles.
When editing user roles, many users will have different choices for the same box. Users have the option of leaving the box as is, checking the box for all users or removing the role for all of the user selected.
- Check to enable role for all users.
- Leave roles as is, per user.
- Remove the role for all users selected.
F: Click on a column filter's description to sort users alphabetically or numerically, depending on the filter's parameters.
G: Click on the upside-down triangle next to a column filter to select eligible values for that filter to be sorted.
For example, when the department column filter is selected:
H: Click on a user to manually edit their individual details, schedule their calendar, and view the user's history.
- Details: Edit this user's login and individual information. View what Teams this user is in. Select this user's system, additional, and corrective action roles. *NOTE: More information on Teams can be found here.
- Calendar: Use the calendar to schedule time off for this user. The calendar also displays scheduled assessments and site holidays. To understand the calendar view and the process of scheduling time off for users, click here.
*Note: Only users with the Site Admin role can schedule time off for themselves or other users. - History: View all historical revisions made to this user, along with each revision's date and details.
I: Click the + button to create a user
- When selected, create this user by username instead of email. Create the username along with a temporary password that the user will change upon their first login.
- Input this user's email which they will use to login into EASE. Users will receive an email from EASE at this email address with a login link.
*NOTE: A user's status will appear as 'Pending' until they set up their account or log in for the first time. Once the newly created user has logged in and set up their account, their status will appear as 'Active.' - Input this user's first and last name. Adding the user's title is optional.
- The site this user belongs to. This will originally default to the active site.
- From the dropdown menu, select the shift this user belongs to. More information on Shifts can be found here.
- From the dropdown menu, select the department this user belongs to. More information on Departments can be found here.
- Scope: From the dropdown menu, select the location(s) this user is able to audit. More information on Scopes can be found here.
- From the dropdown menu, select this user's layer. More information on Layers can be found here.
- From the dropdown menu, select this user's admin scope, or which location reports this user can view. Select (None) if this user does not have this capability. Only necessary if this user's reporting scope is higher than their assessment scope. If left blank, the admin scope will be the same as the assessment scope.
Scroll down the page to select this user's System and Additional roles.
These roles are independent of each other and do not cascade. For instance, if a user needs both manager and auditor privileges, both roles must be toggled on.
*Note: The Org Admin role will be unattainable for newly created users, and the Assessor role will be initially toggled on by default.
System Roles
- Org Admin - Grants edit access to all organization wide settings. Can enable all roles to users.
- Site Admin - Grants edit access to site specific settings. Can enable SiteAdmin role and below on users.
- Assessment Author - Grants access to schedule, document, and question creation and management.
- Assessor - Must be enabled for assessments to be assigned. Grants access to complete and submit assessments. Initially toggled on by default.
- Delete Request Manager - Access to approve or deny delete requests for missed or upcoming assessments.
- Operator - User managing machinery/stations. Able to selected as personnel.
Additional Roles
- Findings Manager - Access to re-assign the approving and responsible parties set for findings assigned to this user.
- Findings Admin - Access to re-assign the approving and responsible parties set for any finding.
- Approving Party - Approve changes made to handle reported findings.
- Responsible Party - Can be made responsible to handle reported findings.
- Data Analyst - Access to reports and assessment data.
- Record Manager - Access to record management. Can enable Record Manager to other users.
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