The Organization Tree, or Org Tree, is used to define where assessments are conducted and which locations are represented in reports.
The Org Tree is located within Organization under the Org Tree tab.
A: The organization's name.
B: The organization's description.
C: The unique company code used to support logging in for users without email addresses.
D: Upload a file to be used as the organization's logo.
E: The Organization is the highest level of the Org Tree. This will usually relate to the entirety of the company. All other levels of the Org Tree exist below the Organization.
*Note: The location names used for each level of the Org Tree can be altered in Settings > Products & Features.
F: Site is the next level below Organization on the Org Tree. Organizations can have an unlimited number of sites. Sites will usually refer to different plants or locations within the same company.
By selecting the triangle next to a site, the next three levels of the Org Tree (Area, Workcenter, Station) can be accessed.
G: Areas are the first level below the Site, and depending on the site's infrastructure, can refer to a specific area of the location.
H: Workcenters are the next level below an Area, and can refer to a specific section of the Area above.
I: Stations are the lowest level of the Org Tree and should refer to the most granular part of the Site's infrastructure to be included on the Org Tree.
J: Alterable levels of the Org Tree will be identifiable by the four options on the right side. Based on the user's access, only specific levels can be edited.
- Add another Area, Workcenter, or Station to the Site. You will be prompted to create a name and description to this new level.
- Assign managers to a Site, Area, Workcenter, or Station. The users shown for selection here must have the Approving Party and Responsible Party role enabled. When a user is selected as a location manager they will be assigned findings identified at this location, as long as the Question and Document settings default Responsible Parties to the location. More information on how findings are routed can be found here.
Select a shift and choose a user from the list provided. If only one user is selected, they will manage all shifts. For more information about Shifts, click here.
3. Access a machine-scannable QR code for this location that can be used to conduct impromptu Ad hoc findings on the EASE Mobile App. More information on QR codes can be found here.
4. This menu provides different options that can be used to edit and alter the Org Tree.
Edit: Edit the name and description for a specific level. For a site, it is possible to add multiple granular
geographic details.
Calendar: Assign time off for a level by using EASE's calendar function. The calendar will also showcase any
past or upcoming audits due for this level. Orange dots represent calendar events. Blue dots represent
scheduled audits.
Import: Use EASE's template to upload multiple locations at once. Click here for a video tutorial.
Click on the XLSX button to access EASE's excel template.
*Note: These new locations will be added directly under the location originally selected for import.
Name: The title of this location.
Description: Describe this location (optional).
Export: Export this list of locations as a CSV or XLSX file.
Delete: Delete this Org Tree level including all locations nested under. *Note: If any active assessments are
assigned, please delete those assessments first before deleting this location.
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