By default, EASE sets up a single shift that is Monday - Friday. EASE does not take hours into consideration; a shift only covers the days available to perform assessments.
If different schedules are needed, shifts can be created and assigned to users so that assessments are not assigned on non-working days. Monthly and Yearly assessments do not consider shifts.
To access Shifts, navigate to Organization and select the Shifts tab at the top of the page.
A: Create a new shift.
- The shift's name
- Describe the shift (optional).
- Use the calendar provided to select a cycle start date.
- Set the number of days in the cycle. For a standard 7 days work week, enter the number 7. If a modified shift schedule is being utilized (e.g. the Dupont Schedule) this number can be extended to a maximum of 180 days.
- Using the calendar, select which days the shift will be working. Working days are highlighted in blue, all non-working days are left blank.
- Users can be added to shifts from the Users tab. More information on Users can be found here.
B: Click on a shift to view or edit its details. Shifts can only be deleted once all users have been removed. *Note: Adding or removing users must be done from within the Users tab.
C: Create a copy of a shift. You will be prompted to create a new shift with the same details as the previously copied shift.
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